Monday 4 January 2016

Few points on how to be a good MC

I have been wanting to be an MC for years, how do I get my break? How do I get on the stage like you? How did you get to where you are? What makes a good MC/Host?

These are questions I regularly get asked and have been for years, its also a topic I come across on many 'scene chat' status's across social media. To me there is no right or wrong way its all about finding your own style, I just thought id share with you all what I consider the key ingredients to making you a complete performer!

1. Never MC Over Vocals !!!!

This is the #1 rule in my opinion. To me an MC/Host job is to complement and enhance the music! Have you ever been listening the radio and your singing your heart out to a great track and the radio presenter starts speaking and your like arghhhhhh!!!!! Its the same let the vocal breath so to speak, there is plenty time for you to do shout outs or drop your latest rhyme or hook line. Learn the music you are working to sing along with it yourself (albeit microphone not by your mouth) enjoy the tracks that are being played so you are together with the people in the venue.

2. Work On Your Live Voice And Stage Presence

If you want to be working in the clubs the way you project your voice is more important than having any 'sick barz' trust me. Iv seen many great MC's who can spit rhymes for days but live in a club 9/10 people don't really no whats getting said in the long rhymes. If your voice is loud and clear then its much easier to manipulate the crowd and get across your point. That being said learn what level is best for you, remember its all about the music don't have the mic to loud. It should be the same level as a vocal on a track anything louder is too much. In 11 years id say Iv seen about 4 MC's actually turn the mic down to get the right level, don't be selfish and remember your role. Move around the stage dont stand still with your hands in your pockets, look like your having a good time even if your not. People respond to your actions as well as your words, if you put your hands in the air then chances are a lot will follow. Enjoy yourself out there!

3. Learn When To Speak and If Your Hosting Less Is More

Not over vocals as mentioned or not over mixing or scratching is when i keep quiet. If you do as I said above i'e learn the tracks you will know when the drops are etc. The way everything is heading though its all about the hosting. Not just bounce either look at all the big EDM festivals across the world, most of the DJ's have a host now or even (try) do it themselves. Although I had been doing it 10 years and done multiple overseas gigs, when I did a season in Malia doing it everyday its only then your truly know how much to do. Your learn to look after your voice as your working every night. You are working to majority of the crowd who have never heard your rhymes so my favorite line somebody once told me is 'if they aint going to say something back to you what is the point in saying it?' if your hosting all night speaking a few times an hour with the odd bar here and there to enhance the track is enough. If somebody leaves a venue saying that guy on the mic was 'sick' then as a host you have done to much in my opinion. If you want to get the best experiance my advice would be go do a season overseas.

4. Be Individual

This is the a very hard facet to have. I was lucky as at the time nobody was doing the type of rhymes etc. I was doing. Not everybody took to it straight away but I kept to my own style then eventually other people started to imitate it. I would never say im a pioneer, I simply took all the good parts from a lot of people I looked up to, then put my own twist on it. If you are blatantly ripping somebody off there is a ceiling that you aint going to break through. Be different and chances are it will get you noticed, if you are talented enough and work hard enough you will succeed. You need to get to a point that when your in a club or on a cd and your performing people will instantly say thats MC B, thats MC Cover, Thats MC Efeeze etc. work on a mixture of catchy rhymes, hooklines and clever rhymes. Rhymes that have meaning and rhymes that have a good flow. Me personally now I right rhymes for mix cds etc. then just use hooklines only when im hosting events. I only use rhymes in that scenario if I know it will get a crowd reaction.

5. Don't Mic Blag, Earn Your Stripes

This is a the biggest pet hate for an MC full stop. No matter what level you are at you at dont be asking the MC for a go. Whats even worse is backing it up saying 'i blow MC such abody out the water' that to me is instant disrespect. You shouldn't be concerned who is better than who, just focus on yourself. If you think you aint getting the bookings you deserve then do something about it. Talk to people on equal terms, take constructive criticism, go to gigs and take pointers how they work, do mixes (personally handing them in as well is a big thumbs up), promote yourself on social media (big part in this day and age). Its and old cliche but it is true you only get what you put in. Another cliche is 'its not what you know its who you know' and this is true in some respects. However when I started I didnt no anybody at all. I got eventually got my break after working on u18's open mic events then took my chance when It was given. Earn your strips dont expect to be earning big bucks straight away. I worked for free for the first 18 months then eventually built it up from there. Also when you 'make it' its importnat to stay grounded and not get ahead of yourself, no what level you are at.

For me if you follow them 5 points then you have all the points to do well. Also this applies for all music genres, if your good enough for one then you should be able to switch styles and genres. As I said earlier this is all based on my own opinion and experiance Iv had. Hope it answers a lot of your questions and even if you dont agree with anything thats fine, this is just my views but always you do your own thing. Most important thing of all aswell is you got to work hard!

Also id like to thank everybody for the support in 2015 and I wish you all the best for 2016


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